Animated Enterprises
Daniel Roochvarg
Christine Jacquinot
Paul Warden
Flora Moxon
Pascale Hall
Maggie Hagardt
Flora Moxon

Flora began her professional career in Archives management in England, after graduating in History
and Archaeology.  Beginning her international career, she moved to Canada in 1977 and managed
the City of Ottawa Archives for seven years.

The next international move led to a career change when she joined a major telecommunications company in a Human Resources management role in Belgium.  Subsequently, relocation to China created the opportunity for her to broaden her HR management experience whilst managing the local and international workforce of an international construction company in Shanghai.

She joined American International Group (AIG) in France in the early '90's, establishing and building
a Training and Organizational Development role for the company's European operations.

After a long client association with Animated Enterprises, she joined the company as an Associate
in 2006 shortly before moving to her present home in Johannesburg, South Africa. Whilst providing Training and OD support to AIG's African operations, she is also engaged in various humanitarian
projects with the intention to contribute more substantially to the development sector in the future.