Animated Enterprises
Daniel Roochvarg
Christine Jacquinot
Paul Warden
Flora Moxon
Pascale Hall
Maggie Hagardt
Daniel Roochvarg

Founder, Animated Enterprises – a Paris-based, training consultancy specializing in executive presentation, sales, negotiations and intercultural management programs.

Developed an innovative European Management Program designed exclusively in English to train
the "Euro-managers" of post-1992 Europe.

Co-founder/Adjunct trainer/Administrator in the U.S. of a training department/management school
at Harris Corporation, a high technology multinational. Responsibility for 6,000 employees worldwide.

20 years experience training business people and students in the United States, Canada, Europe,
Africa and Asia.

B.A., Psychology, University of Virginia.

Certificate “Teaching English as a Foreign Language,” Cambridge University/Royal Society of Arts.

Bilingual: English/French – Dual nationality: American/French.

Member, Professional Society of Trainers and Training Consultants, (CSFC) Paris.

Member, International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research,
(SIETAR Europa) Brussels.